5 September 2011

100 days, 100 nights

Tomorrow my countdown lurches (much like my stomach), into the double digits. It's alarming how short 100 days actually is when you stop to think.

My stress and concern for Penny has been assuaged. The trip to my parents' house went well enough. Tigg barely noted Penny and there was no bloodshed. I'm going to call that a success. What's more is that Penny loves the house. She's already commandeered spots that are now hers and there's so much carpet. At one point she was dragging herself across the living room purely by claw across the carpet. She was in compete broadloom heaven. That's one little stressor out of the way....now to confront the dozens more waiting in the wings.

It was actually alarming how my mood changed the second we returned to Ottawa. The stress and overwhelming feelings hit me and I was thrown right into the sort of mood where no one wins. I had no idea being in Ottawa and dealing with all of this was destroying me as a person in little ways. To remedy this, I think my only hope is to do as much as possible, as quickly as possible. That can't possibly go poorly, right? *eye roll*

The majority of our weekend was spent with my family helping them plan their European adventure. It was a lot of fun to get caught up in someone else's plans and forget my own. I'll be meeting up with the group of them about mid-trip in Chaziuex, France, where we'll also be spending Christmas this year. I'm looking forward to it all and will likely let that consume me for some time during the bleak English winter.


Chazieux, France

Our packing efforts got off to, what I thought at the time was, a good start. I've since realised one lonely box of yard sale-worthy books does not cut the mustard and a redoubling of efforts is called for on both our parts. I should probably be packing, not blogging right now...

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