28 November 2011

We had a party....the pets are gone

This weekend has been a total roller coaster for me. On the one hand we had a series of fantastic evening events and got to have a lot of fun, and then on the other hand, we sent our pets away to my parents' house for the duration of our trip abroad.My emotions are in overdrive. We tried to watch Bridesmaids tonight to lighten the mood and I honestly broke down into melodramatic sobbing fits half a dozen times. I'm not sure if I can take much more of this "moving" process. Whoa.


  1. Can't you take your furries with you???

  2. We could, but it's just so hard on them and there are so many unknowns over how often we'll be home. And, to be truthful, I want to travel a lot. I feel like that wouldn't be fair to my fur babies. They get the run of my parents' very large house this way.
