16 January 2012

One whole month

We've now been here for one month. Well, except for the time we spent over Christmas, but let's not be picky, ok? It definitely doesn't feel like we've been here a month (again, let's ignore that time away, ok...I mean, really, stop fixating while I'm making a point). I suppose I don't have a lot of ways to mark time at the moment. I don't have to keep an eye on my calendar. I don't have important dates or times to remember. There isn't anywhere I'm expected to be on any given day now, which is an entirely new and, sometimes, overwhelming concept.

I'm pretty sure that part of the reason why I haven't felt time move along is that I've been fortunate enough to maintain contact with my family and friends through all manner of Internet-enabled communication. My parents and I have been using FaceTime, but also WhatsApp which has allowed us to carry on much like we did when I lived in Canada. I love that we can text each other and respond in our own time. It's free, so you're never second-guessing the cost of sending a text about the weather or something funny or inane. My dad has also been really good about sending photos along of the pets we had to leave behind with them and that's made a huge diffence too....though I do wish I could hug their little furry bodies close and talk gibberish to them (James doesn't respond in quite the same pleased manner when I do that to him...).

Penny (my photo)

Molly (my photo)

The best part about the month we've had here is how consistently happy I am here. I suspect this is in part a result of the glow of a recent move and clearly from having zero real commitments. But I also just feel very good here. I like this city. There are so many nooks and crannies to explore and the history is just rampant. I had a conversation with a Brit the other day about how we don't have "old" in Canada the way they have "old" here. She hasn't been to Canada, but upon explaining it, she could see where I was coming from and, I'm so happy to say that she understood the allure of being in the presence of something as special as a thousand year old building; she felt that way too. Because I've had such limited exposure to people (who are not my relatives) in a social setting here, it's been hard to know how the general population feels. Sometimes when I'm riding the tube and smiling like a damn fool about where I am, I just want to exclaim to anyone who will listen about where we are, as if they aren't aware...like a crazy person. I should keep those exclamations in my head...

Anyway, all this to say, it's been a month and I couldn't be happier (ok, well, that's a lie...I could have a pony...).


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are happy!!! Keep it up! Happiness is a choice and you have chosen wonderfully
