1 August 2011

Snakes and cap guns

Tonight was the first night since we decided we're going that I'm genuinely sad to be leaving. Ironically, my night was spent at a going away party for two friends moving to Montreal. I'm getting to a place where I'm finally comfortable with the people in my life and truly excited that they're in my life....and we're leaving. I don't regret the decision to go, but as I've started thinking about all the people with whom I'd like to spend time before I go, I realize that I'm going to miss this group of people more than I believe I would have missed other groups in various times of my life.,,,if that makes any sense.

Two years isn't an especially long time, but it seems like a long enough stretch when faced with the knowledge that this group will change and evolve in my absence. I suppose it's all a gamble, but I'm going to miss them terribly.


  1. I have been in Canada for 2 years now, and trust me, those doubts will always linger. Things will change whilst you guys are gone, but then the chance to evolve in a foreign country is huge and shouldn't be underestimated. Eg; I still get a little kick out of Canadian things which are different to Britain such as French words on products and I discovered what a 'sharpie' was last week!!! One thing....... you'll both have to start spelling 'realize' as 'realise' with a 'S' and not with a 'Z' - the Brits don;t like Americanization (sic) of 'thir' language! Ha. As I said before, good luck to you both.

  2. Hey! This is a strange little reversal! :)
    I'm surprised anyone found me, but for you to have stumbled along is a pretty fun coincidence. I'm glad to get the tips, that's for sure. Though, I must admit, the "s" vs "z" thing isn't a problem for me (I always spell with s), but it clearly is for my iPad. I'll have to keep an eye on that....maybe there's a setting.
