29 July 2011

A little cultural integration

As mentioned before, my cultural experience, where London is concerned, consists mainly of overly-curated film and television selections. I don't mind this one bit, but it occurred to me that I'd like to find the London equivalents for all the various city-specific online content I dearly enjoy here in Ottawa. My very first foray into this turned up The Londonist. This seems like a pretty all-around site for information and news-like items, however, I'm still trying to search out something a little more finely tailored to my interests. The search continues, however passively, for the time being.

On the plus side, London, unlike Ottawa has a far wider variety of iPhone and iPad apps in all sorts of categories. Perhaps I'll write up a little about them in the next little while.


  1. Try 'Timeout London' magazine, which is seen as the essential listings magazine. I am sure they'll have some info online too. Also, there's literally dozens of specialist magazines, covering art, museums etc....

  2. Fantastic! Thanks for letting me know...I'll scope 'em out! I have a feeling I'm going to die of complete excitement overload once we finally get to London.
