28 July 2011

Nothing to report

Ok, can I just say, I have nothing mind-blowing or insightful or overly humourous to say. I'm just really relishing the idea that I'm going to be living in London soon. When the years started passing and James and I set up some roots here in Ottawa, I truly believed my "get up and move a zillion miles away" stage was over and that I'd missed my chance. But here it is and I'm spending a lot of my waking hours thinking about how lucky we are and how much of an adventure this is all going to be. And in London, of all places.....when I used to think, in my internal story, where I'd imagine myself living it has always been London. *sigh*

Not everyone gets the chance to uproot themselves and start over somewhere in the safest and most secure situations. We really do have an incredible opportunity unfolding for us.

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