16 October 2011

It's kinda like...

I figured out this feeling I have all the time: it's low-level anticipation. It's the kind of anticipation you get when you're waiting for Christmas. Or your birthday, if you're not down with Christmas. Or maybe Halloween. Maybe you're just really into Halloween. Regardless, it's the type of anticipation that you can't do anything about. The date is fixed. You can't speed up time and you can't skip a few days to get there sooner. You just have to wait. And wait. And wait.

So I'm waiting.

The one really poor thing about this type of anticipation, however, is that (for me, at least) it leads to inactivity. I get so consumed by the end that I forget I have to continue living my life until it arrives. I can't just sit around the house hitting "sync" in Byline Reader on my iPad. Or playing endless rounds of backgammon against the computer as the clock slowly counts down. Heaven help me if that's how I spend my last less-than-two months in Canada.

My new mission is to include more "living" and less "waiting" into the daily routine. I have to get out there and see friends. I should probably also consider starting packing piles. And maybe plan a few going away parties. Probably a birthday party too, considering my 30th birthday will take place three days before we board our plane.

Right, time to crack on.

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