19 October 2011

Making the cut

Right now I'm trying to determine how to distill two years' worth of "life" into whatever boxes and suit cases we're taking with us to England. There are a lot of things to consider: will we go camping? do I need really cold cold-weather clothing? what if I want one of my books? how much would this cost to replace? And that question, the very last one, is where I'm stuck. Truth be told, I don't want to take much of what I own in my closet. I really would just rather take one suitcase full of clothing and acquire new items upon arrival. Who wouldn't relish the idea of starting over in a new country with a new wardrobe?? Can someone else try explaining this to my husband...he doesn't quite understand.

Tripping over blogs on the Internet this week, I happened upon a new (to me) one, The Cherry Blossom Girl, and am already in love with her style and her closet. And the, lo and behold, she puts credits on each post and a number of items come from asos. Can we talk for a minute about how I'm moving to England and I love this girl's style and that the pieces I'm coveting on her blog come from an online retailer based in England? I know! Fate! So now that our hotel is booked I have a two month UK address. I'm already pre-shopping.

Sorry James, I need some new threads.

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