11 April 2012

Less me. I get it, I get it

Enough already, right? Three solid days of me and mehab and me and doctors, and I can tell you're all hitting unsubscribe faster than you can make a cuppa. Hint: it's actually three minutes for the ideal tea, according to several programs I've seen that focus on exactly this issue. But if you've got a DavidsTea problem, disregard my advice; your times are listed on the can. I see you caught that: yes, they have programs about tea here. And yes, I've seen them. Moving on then.

In an effort to be less about my medical history, because let's be honest, aside from my mom, NONE of you care for the details, I thought I should give you a little tour of our flat! And that means this post relies heavily on photos, relieving the all-consuming pressure I feel to be the brilliant spark of amusement in your mid-week work routine. Sighs of relief all around. If you've already received the virtual tour via FaceTime, I won't be offended (much) if you scroll to the bottom feigning interest and then carry on with your day.

I don't know if I mentioned but our front lawn has a palm tree. It also happens to be covered in ivy. It's pretty fantastic. And no, I won't be posting front door shots, stalker. Yeesh.

We ended up with a two bedroom flat simply because the number of people who have already/plan to/say they will but won't visit is astounding. And I like having somewhere to put the computer (and thus, James) that isn't the living room.

So if you should happen to be one of the lucky thousand who are planning a trip to visit (or have already visited - you people were really on top of things to get here already), here's where you stay:

And here's where James and I stay:

Because I didn't take the photos (James did a while ago), there are a number of features in each room that I can't point out because, well, you can't see them. But I can point out that there are massive floor to ceiling windows in both rooms and the ceilings are something like fourteen feet. It's actually adorable because the rooms all have normal doors with extensions stuck to the top. And wardrobes. I've never had a great big Ikea wardrobe, but I'm loving it right now. Which is probably why all my things get put away neatly each day.

The tour is going to skip the bathroom because I can't actually find a photo of the bathroom, even though I know I've taken a half dozen.

Our living room/dining room looks like this: 

And at this point, I'm a teeny bit regretful that I'm too lazy to pull out the ultra wide lens and take a proper photo. In the bottom left corner you can just see the arm of the couch....so yeah, there's a couch there too. While we're on the subject of the couch, let's talk about that: our flat is completely furnished. Apparently that's the thing to do in London. You rock up to the city with zero and move into furnished accommodations, give or take an item or two. We are either incredibly lucky or grossly overpaying because our landlord supplied EVERYTHING. Including dishes and cookware. It's a really odd concept for me to grasp and I spent a lot of time deep cleaning everything when we moved in because, seriously, who puts down a shag carpet for tenents?! Thankfully the flat was also furnished with a beautiful Miele S2 vacuum, so I've been compulsively cleaning.

Our kitchen actually requires you to go down a short set of stairs around a corner. It's hard to do them justice, but they're a little scary when you're tipsy. The kitchen is actually a lot larger than pretty much every other kitchen I looked at when hunting, so we lucked out here. It has some really crazy features, such as hidden appliances, that I love. Our fridge, for instance, is in that far left bottom cupboard. It's tiny. Our washer/dryer (combo - that's another story altogether) is in the cupboard below the dish rack. And our dishwaster is to the right of the sink. All very well concealed and teeny tiny.

Because I think they're fabulous, I did just snap iPhone photos of the appliances (bless you iCloud for putting them on the computer for me):

Our little fridge - the beer isn't ours, I haven't changed THAT much.

Washer/"dryer" combo. I'll explain that another time.

Dishwasher perfectly suited for two.

And to complete the tour, how about a shot of our back neighbours from the kitchen window? You might as well get a look at them - I watch them daily.

Just to answer any questions (what, you mean you didn't have questions?!), both of the houses you can see are COMPLETE UNITS. The people over there have all four floors to themselves, whereas on our side of the street, our house is divided into five units. The people on the left have a nanny and a gardener. The people on the right have a cleaning lady. Not that I noticed. Or that I actually worked out their schedules. I'm just really observant. Seriously. Like, special agent observant. Shut up.

There you go. A whole post not about my leg or about my continuing quest to find myself. And mostly just pictures. You're welcome!

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